Camp Wild 2025
Camp Wild 2025
We are so excited to be hosting Camp Wild again this summer and can’t wait to see many new and returning campers!
Camp will run from 9AM to 4PM with the option of adding extended care from 8AM to 9AM and 4PM to 5PM. (Extended care is not available for Wilderness Warriors camp). We have so many exciting activities and visitors lined up already for Camp Wild 2025!
During our week-long camps for ages 6-9 and 9-12, youth attending will get to experience activities including: air rifle, archery, fishing and crafts. Along with these activities there are multiple visitors throughout the week, in the past these visitors have included rehabilitated wildlife, Police K9, Saskatoon Search and Rescue, Saskatchewan Trapper’s Association, Meewasin Valley Authority and more!
During our 3-day camp, campers will get to experience air rifle, archery, .22 shooting, fishing, and will spend a day at the Saskatoon Gun Club to shoot trap and skeet.
Back by popular demand – lunch will be provided daily for each camper and souvenir shirts will also be available for purchase!! These have been a huge hit the last two years and we are so excited for you to see this year’s design!
Registration will open to current Saskatoon Wildlife Federation members on May 1st at 1PM and to non-members on May 15th at 1PM!
For more information, please email campwild@swildfed.ca