Our Clubs
Whether to try something new, or increase your skill level, the Saskatoon Wildlife Federations clubs have something for all ages and all levels of expertise.
Archery Club
Required entry level: Beginner
Club Contact: saskatoonarchery@gmail.com
The Saskatoon Straight Shooters Archery Club (SSSAC) is a registered non-profit and run entirely by a group of volunteers. We are a Saskatchewan Archery Association affiliated club. Our primary goal is to promote archery in and around Saskatoon. We provide a fun, safe environment for archers of all ages to engage in this growing sport.
We offer a youth (JOP) archery program on Sundays from September through April.
Our adult/family night runs on Tuesday nights from 7-9. Both SWF and SSSAC memberships are required to participate.
We do not currently have the resources to offer adult or group instruction outside of our JOP program.
Visit us online at: saskatoonarchery.com
Follow us on Facebook: SaskatoonArchery
Follow us on Instagram: sssarchery

Biathlon Club
Club Contact: saskatoonbiathlonclub@gmail.com
Saskatoon Rifle & Revolver Club
Required entry level: Beginner
Club Contact: srrc.exec@gmail.com
• Canadian Police Combat
PPC is a somewhat slower type of target shooting, and is a great way to get a new shooter into competition, and hone the skills of sight alignment and trigger control. There are both traditional revolver and semi-auto classes. Learn more at www.cpca-ppc.org.

Saskatoon Rifle & Revolver Junior Club
Required entry level: Beginner
Club Contact: swf.srrc.juniorprogram@gmail.com
Levels in the Program
As the youth gain accuracy in their shooting, they work through various levels of achievement. Some choose to display their levels in the form of rings on a plaque. Youth earn their way to competing, if they wish, at the Provincial level, out of province, and eventually at national competitions.
Introductory Program
High-Performance Program
Successes of the Junior Athletes
Junior Olympics in Sydney Australia
Canada Winter Games Gold medalist in 2011 and 2015
Canada Winter Games Silver and Bronze medalists in 2015
National Competition medalists in 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015
ISSF Junior Cup 2015
Pan Am Games 2015
Memorial Airgun Match 2016 (Olds, AB) – Gold, silver, and bronze junior medalists
The Junior Shooting Program was featured in the Canadian Firearms Journal (May- June 2016)

Junior Outdoors Club
Required entry level: none
Hosts multiple activities throughout the year for Saskatoon Wildlife Federation youth members