Our Clubs

Whether to try something new, or increase your skill level, the Saskatoon Wildlife Federations clubs have something for all ages and all levels of expertise.

Archery Club

Required entry level: Beginner
Club Contact: saskatoonarchery@gmail.com

The Saskatoon Straight Shooters Archery Club (SSSAC) is a registered non-profit and run entirely by a group of volunteers. We are a Saskatchewan Archery Association affiliated club. Our primary goal is to promote archery in and around Saskatoon. We provide a fun, safe environment for archers of all ages to engage in this growing sport.

We offer a youth (JOP) archery program on Sundays from September through April.

Our adult/family night runs on Tuesday nights from 7-9. Both SWF and SSSAC memberships are required to participate.

We do not currently have the resources to offer adult or group instruction outside of our JOP program.

Visit us online at: saskatoonarchery.com

Follow us on Facebook: SaskatoonArchery

Follow us on Instagram: sssarchery

Archery Club
Biathalon Club

Biathlon Club

Required entry level: Beginner
Club Contact: saskatoonbiathlonclub@gmail.com
We are a small, growing club on the lookout for new members! Biathlon is an Olympic sport that combines cross-country skiing with small bore rifle marksmanship. The Saskatoon Wildlife Biathlon Club is a place where aspiring biathletes can learn the basics of skiing and shooting, as well as hone their skills. Programs run through the winter season at the Saskatoon Wildlife Federation Silhouette outdoor range. Learn-to-shoot, recreational athlete, and competitive athlete programs are available for ages 8+.

Saskatoon Rifle & Revolver Club

Required entry level: Beginner
Club Contact: srrc.exec@gmail.com

• International Practical Shooting Confederation (ISPC)
• Canadian Police Combat
IPSC is a style of shooting that attempts to measure the ability to shoot rapidly and accurately with a handgun, rifle, and/or shotgun. Three elements (speed, accuracy, and power) form the sides of the practical shooting triangle. By design, each match will measure a shooter’s ability in all three areas. Learn more at www.ipsc-canada.org.

PPC is a somewhat slower type of target shooting, and is a great way to get a new shooter into competition, and hone the skills of sight alignment and trigger control. There are both traditional revolver and semi-auto classes. Learn more at www.cpca-ppc.org.


Saskatoon Rifle & Revolver Junior Club

Required entry level: Beginner
Club Contact: swf.srrc.juniorprogram@gmail.com

The Saskatoon Rifle and Revolver Junior Club, operating in partnership with the Saskatoon Wildlife Federation, offers a junior shooting program for youth 10 years and older. The youth are taught competition-style air rifles and air pistol target shooting. All equipment, targets, and pellets are supplied.

Levels in the Program

As the youth gain accuracy in their shooting, they work through various levels of achievement. Some choose to display their levels in the form of rings on a plaque. Youth earn their way to competing, if they wish, at the Provincial level, out of province, and eventually at national competitions.

Introductory Program

The Introductory Program begins with a safety talk and orientation. Youth start on air rifles and, at a certain level, can try air pistols if so desired. Focus at this stage is learning how to use the sights and getting their shots close together. Eventually, they are shooting without a stand and work on gaining balance and accuracy.

High-Performance Program

In competition, women and men shoot 60 shots. High-performance shooters can compete at events such as Grand Prix in Toronto, Canada Winter Games, Nationals, and eventually earn a position on the Canadian National Junior Team or on the Developmental Team for Canada.

Successes of the Junior Athletes

Commonwealth Games as a Canadian Competitor

Junior Olympics in Sydney Australia

Canada Winter Games Gold medalist in 2011 and 2015

Canada Winter Games Silver and Bronze medalists in 2015

National Competition medalists in 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015

ISSF Junior Cup 2015

Pan Am Games 2015

Memorial Airgun Match 2016 (Olds, AB) – Gold, silver, and bronze junior medalists

The Junior Shooting Program was featured in the Canadian Firearms Journal (May- June 2016)

Junior Outdoors Club

Junior Outdoors Club

Required entry level: none
Hosts multiple activities throughout the year for Saskatoon Wildlife Federation youth members

The Junior Outdoor Club is very excited to have a new coordinator and to start planning more awesome events! Please keep an eye out on our events page, as well as, our social media for dates and info. If you or your child is interested in joining the club please email: events@swildfed.ca