The Saskatoon Wildlife Federation will gladly accept operational firearms you may no longer want. Whether it is through lifestyle changes, inheritance, or lack of stage space, you may want to decrease your firearm holdings.
To participate in the program, the following steps MUST be followed:
- Contact the wildlife federation by phone (306-242-1666) or email ( to express your interest in donating one, or more, firearms to us.
- Send us a picture of the firearm(s) as they must be in good, operational condition for us to accept your donation. Pictures can be either e-mailed to the above address or texted to 639-480-5356
- Include the following personal information:
- Name
- Address
- Phone Number
- PAL/RPAL Number
- PAL/RPAL Expiry Date
- E-mail address that is linked to your PAL
- Your birthdate
- Include the following firearm information:
- Make
- Model
- Serial Number
- Indicate Non-Restricted (NR), Restricted (R), or Prohibited (P). e. Barrel length
- Once it has been determined that the federation will accept the firearm(s) a federation member will arrange a time to pick up the firearm at your residence.
- For Restricted and Prohibited firearms, the firearm owner must contact the SWF office at 306-242-1666 to initiate the transfer. This must be completed before the firearm(s) can be picked up.
- For non-restricted firearms, the federation can initiate the transfer with the federal firearms office.
- A copy of all approved transfers will be sent to the previous owner.
Thank you for your consideration in this worthwhile endeavour.